Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Killgasm - Black Metal Whore Killer

Genre: Black Metal/Grindcore
Label: Buriedinhell Records
Country: USA
Year: 2006
1. Black Metal Whore Killer
2. Baseball Bat Lobotomy
3. Menstrual Blood Moustache
Download || Buy || Website


  1. Yo, just ran across this blog you have here, like the theme of it. You like to cross link maybe? I'm also out of Los Angeles, not often you see one being ran out of this city. Keep up with the good stuff. Cheers. -|-

    Also, this band is sick as hell.

  2. Thanks man. I just scoped your blog and hell yeah I'm down with cross linking, good looking out! And I'm glad you enjoyed Killgasm. Their new full length is now on iTunes if you wanna check that out too.

  3. Awesome ..Pardon the delay. Got yours up now as well. Glad you enjoy the place. Thanks a lot, cheers.
